Solve KYC, AML, and compliance with one tool
Footprint is built to help Banks, BaaS, and Financial Institutions holistically solve challenges facing the identity lifecycle of their customers
Banks and FIs have used Footprint to digitize account opening in a way which delights both end-customers and compliance officers.
Social Security Number
Phone Number
Driver's License
Date of Birth
Verify identities.With extensive database connectivity and state of the art machine learning, Footprint has over 96% IDV accuracy.
Verify credit.With one form and one dashboard, you can assess and verify PII and credit information.
Detect fraud.Detect and decision on fraud signals like behavioral biometrics and device level insights at the time of identity verification.
We know your problems...
Rising costs of digital onboarding.FIs are spending millions of dollars on multiple tools to conduct KYC and prevent fraud.
Heightened regulatory scrutiny.With the rise of fintechs and evolving regulatory landscape, it has never been more important to have robust KYC and fraud prevention tactics.
The elusive nature of fraud detection.Online forms and chatrooms provide perpetrators with tools and strategies to take advantage of the evolving landscape.
...and we know how to help ✨

Based on experience vetting and partnering with many identity-based techs, partnering with Footprint has been a breath of fresh air. In my product, IDV is critical. I want the best security net possible, configurability, trust in a reliable partner, quick support whenever asked, and a commitment to staying ahead of the bad actors. Footprint is thinking outside the box and doing things other IDV providers should have thought about years ago. Proud to stand side by side with Footprint combatting fraud."
Craig Hoffman
VP of Product
@ Apiture
We have the experience and the expertise